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Excretory System – Question Bank

Study these questions on excretory system before playing the game.


  • Basic functional unit of kidney is ________________.

Answer :  nephron

  • _____ is the largest excretory organ of the body.

Answer :  Skin

  • Cluster of capillaries in kidneys are called ____.

Answer :  glomerulus

  • Proximal and distal convoluted tubules are parts of _______.

Answer :  nephron

  • Reabsorption of useful substances from glomerulus filtrate occurs in _______.

Answer :  proximal convoluted tubule

  • Structure in kidney where blood is filtered:

Answer :  nephron

  • Straw coloured liquid that is removed from kidneys:

Answer :  urine

  • Organ that stores urine temporarily:

Answer :  urinary bladder

  • Sphincter is ______.

Answer :  a ring of muscles

  • Substance that cannot pass through semipermeable walls of glomerulus:

Answer :  Albumin and Blood cells

  • Artery which passes blood to the kidney is?

Answer :  renal;

  • Condition where urea accumulates in blood is _______.

Answer :  Uremia

  • Inflammation of joints due to accumulation ;of uric acid crystals is called _____.

Answer :  Gout

  • About 90% of kidney stones can pass out through the urinary system by drinking _______.

Answer :  Water

  • The first step in urine production is?

Answer :  Glomerular filtration

  • Conversion of excess amino acids into urea is done in?

Answer :  Liver

  • Malpighian body is present in:

Answer :  Kidney

  • Main excretory organs in man are:

Answer :  Kidneys

  • Bunch of capillaries present in Bowman’s capsule is called:  

Answer :  Glomerulus

  • Most of reabsorption of salts and water occurs in ______.  

Answer :  proximal tube

  • _____ is cup like structure that receives urine from collecting duct. 

Answer :  calyx

  • _____ conducts urine from kidney to bladder.

Answer :  ureter

  • _____ keeps an organism’s fluid from being too dilute or concentrated: 

Answer :  osmoregulation

  • Which of the following causes glucose to be excreted in urine ?

Answer :  hyperglycemia

  • Outermost tissue layer surrounding the kidney is?  

Answer :  Fibrous capsule

  • Which of these has highest concentration in urine?

Answer :  Sodium

  • Entrance into kidney is called _____?

Answer :  Hilum

  • Each minor calyx receives urine from _____   ?

Answer :  Renal papillae

  • Renal pyramids are located within _____  ? 

Answer :  Medulla

  • What causes urine to flow from kidneys to bladder?

Answer :  Peristalsis

  • Excretion involves:

Answer :  removal of nitrogeneous wastes

  • The organ that produces urea is?

Answer :  liver

  • The blood vessel that supplies impure blood to the kidney is?

Answer :  renal artery

  • The Bowman’s capsule and glomerulus together form the:

Answer :  Malphighian body

  • Nitrogeneous waste in urine is made of:

Answer :  urea, uric acid and ammonia

  • (a)glomerular alteration(b)tubular secretion;(c)tubuluar reabsorption. Correct order is?

Answer :  acb

  • Blood flows through the glomerulus under

Answer :  high pressure

  • Malpighian bodies are present in

Answer :  kidney cortex

  • Loop of Henle is required for reabsorption of

Answer :  water and sodium ions

  • Renal vein contains more urea than the renal artery

Answer :  False

  • Each kidney contains millions of microscopic filtering units called:

Answer :  nephrons