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Study the question bank before playing the Animal Tissues game.


  • Areolar tissue is a type of connective tissue:

Answer:  True

  • Tendon is a type of epithelial tissue:

Answer:  False

  • Blood cells lie suspended in plasma:

Answer:  True

  • Ligaments connect muscle with bones:

Answer:  False

  • Lymph is a ____ connective tissue:

Answer:  Fluid

  • Areolar tissue has ____ shaped cells:

Answer:  Irregular

  • _____ connects muscles to bones:

Answer:  Tendon

  • _____ is present between two bones:

Answer:  Ligament

  • Cells of adipose tissue are filled with _____ globule:

Answer:  fat

  • Tendon is a type of ______ tissue:

Answer:  Connective

  • Fluid part of blood is called:

Answer:  Plasma

  • Tendons bind:

Answer:  muscles to bone

  • Ligament join:

Answer:  bone to bone

  • Function of connective tissue is:

Answer:  Support

  • Function of blood tissue is:

Answer:  Transport

  • On the basis of their function, connective tissues are divided into ____ categories:

Answer:  3

  • Supportive tissues are:

Answer:  bone and cartilage

  • Fibrous tissues ate subdivided into ____ categories:

Answer:  4

  • Areolar and adipose tissues are subcategories of ____ tissues:

Answer:  fibrous tissues

  • Fluid connective tissues are:

Answer:  blood and lymph

  • Where are cartilages not present:

Answer:  Skeleton

  • Bones are made of:

Answer:  calcium and phosphate

  • It acts as heat insulator and shock absorber:

Answer:  adipose tissue

  • It binds skin to muscles:

Answer: areolar tissue

  • It transports oxygen and hormones:

Answer:  blood

  • It transports nutrients and fats:

Answer:  lymph


  • Skin is formed of____ tissue:

Answer:  epithelial

  • The main function of epithelial tissue and dermal tissue is protection:

Answer:  True

  • ____ tissues line the cavities and surfaces through out the body:

Answer:  epithelial tissue

  • Cells in epithelial tissues are:

Answer:  closely packed

  • The tissues that secrete are:

Answer:  epithelial tissue

  • Epithelial cells are found in:

Answer:  intestine

  • Which of the following is not made of epithelial cells:

Answer:  Bone

  • Epithelial tissues are classified based on:

Answer:  their shape

  • Which of the following is not epithelial tissue:

Answer:  spherical epithelium

  • Which of the following shows the four functions of epithelial tissues:

Answer:  protection, excretion, absorption, secretion;

  • Epithelial tissue is avascular, i.e. it does not have its own blood supply:

Answer:  True

  • Tissue with least inter-cellular space is:

Answer:  Epithelial tissue

  • Between an epithelium and underlying tissue is:

Answer:  Fibrous basement membrane

  • Type of epithelial tissue  present on places where exchange of materials/gases occur selectively is:

Answer:  Squamous

  • Columnar epithelium cells are meant for:

Answer:  Absorption

  • Supportive epithelial cells that line kidney tubules and salivary duct is:

Answer:  Cuboidal

  • Tissues which line blood vessels are:

Answer:  squamous epithelium

  • Tissues found in lining of wind pipe are:

Answer:  ciliated eipithelium

  • Descriptions of a squamous-shaped cell:

Answer:  spherical-shaped cell


  • Bundles of axons together form a nerve:

Answer:  true

  • The fine branches given out by cell body is:

Answer:  dendrites

  • Which tissue generates impulses:

Answer:  nervous tissue

  • Function of nervous tissue is to ____ signals:

Answer:  both transmit and receive:

  • Nervous tissue receives and transmits:

Answer:  both external and internal stimuli

  • Nervous tissue consists of ___ basic types of cells:

Answer:  2

  • The basic cells of nervous tissues are:

Answer:  neurons and glial cells

  • The glial cells in nervous tissue are:

Answer:  protective cells

  • Which of the following is not the function of glial cells:

Answer:  producing impulse

  • Which cells of nervous tissue are called as protective cells:

Answer:  glial tissues

  • There are ___ types of neurons:

Answer:  3

  • Neuron are responsible for:

Answer:  propogation and conduction of nerve impulses

  • _______ ions are vital for proper functioning of nervous system:

Answer:  sodium and potassium

  • Nerve cell cannot reproduce:

Answer:  true

  • Cell body of a neuron contains:

Answer:  nucleus

  • ____ receives nerve impulses:

Answer:  Dentrites

  • _____ passes nerve impulses to other cells:

Answer:  axon

  • Single neuron can communiate with ___ cells:

Answer:  thousands

  • Axon is covered with:

Answer: myelin sheath

  • Node of Ranvier is:

Answer:  gap with in myelin sheath

  • Longest cell of our body is:

Answer:  Nerve cell


  • Areolar tissue connects:

Answer:  The skin with muscles

  • ______muscles never get tired:

Answer:  Cardiac

  • Cardiac tissue is a part of ____ tissue:

Answer:  Heart

  • ____ muscles are called as voluntary muscles:

Answer:  striated

  • Strongest muscle in the body:

Answer:  jaw

  • Striated muscles are also called as:

Answer:  skeletal muscles

  • Involuntary muscles are also called as:

Answer:  unstriated muscles

  • Skeletal muscles are also called as:

Answer:  striated muscles

  • Which muscles are multinucleated:

Answer:  striated muscles

  • The muscles attached to skeleton are:

Answer:  striated muscles

  • The muscles responsible for movement of arms and legs:

Answer:  striated muscles

  • Involuntary muscles are also called as:

Answer:  smooth muscles

  • Smooth muscles are found in:

Answer:  stomach

  • Involuntary muscles help in:

Answer:  peristalsis

  • Smooth muscles are multinucleated:

Answer:  false

  • Cardiac muscles are multinucleated:

Answer:  false

  • The cells of cardiac muscles are y shaped:

Answer:  True

  • Cardiac muscles show striation:

Answer:  true

  • Which of the following has voluntary control:

Answer:  striated muscles

  • Peristalsis is:

Answer:  passage of food through intestine

  • Contraction of triceps:

Answer:  straightens the arm

  • We can control all types of muscles in our body at our will:

Answer:  false