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Kingdom Classification- Monera, Protista, Fungi and Plantae – Question Bank

Study kingdom classification into monera, protista, fungi and plantae before you play the game.

  • ______ is known as father of taxonomy. 

Answer :  Linnaeus

  • Five kingdom classification was proposed by ___. 

Answer : Whittaker

  • Organisms with nucleus are called.

Answer : prokaryotic

  • Unicellular eukaryotes belong to:

Answer : Protista

  • Unicellular Prokaryotes belong to:

Answer : Monera

  • Locomotion using cilia, flagella or pseudopodia is seen in:   

Answer : Protista

  • Chitin is found in cell walls of: 

Answer : Fungi

  • Autotrophic eukaryotes belong to:

Answer : Plantae

  • Cellulose is found in cell walls of:        

Answer : Plantae

  • Molds and yeasts belong to: 

Answer : Fungi

  • Cats and dogs belong to:

Answer : Animalia

  • Climbers and creepers belong to:            

Answer : Plantae

  • Bacteria and blue green algae belong to:           

Answer : Monera

  • Amobea and Euglena belong to:        

Answer : Protista

  • Saprophytes take nutrition from:    

Answer :  decaying matter

  • Autotrophs take nutrition from:

Answer :  prepare their own food

  • Parasites take nutrition from:

Answer : host

  • Which is not a mode of asexual reproduction:     

Answer : fertilization

  • Vegetative propagation is ___ mode of reproduction.      

Answer : asexual

  • An example of fungus is:      

Answer : mushroom

  • The antibiotic penicillin is obtained from:  

Answer : fungus

  • Locomotion in Amoeba occurs using:

Answer : pseudopodia

  • Bacteria present in curd is:  

Answer : lactobacillus

  • Eukaryotes with chlorophyll are :

Answer : Plantae