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Light – Reflection – Question Bank

  • A plane mirror ____ all light that falls on it.

Answer: reflects

  • A ray of light falling on a mirror is:

Answer: Incident light

  • An image that can be obtained on screen is _____ image.

Answer: real

  • An image that cannot be obtained on screen is called _____ image.

Answer: virtual

  • When light is reflected, angles of incidence and reflection are ____.

Answer: same

  • Image formed by plane mirror is ____.

Answer: virtual

  • Mirror used in dressing table is ____.

Answer: plane mirror

  • Irregular reflection is also called ____ reflection.

Answer: non uniform

  • An instrument used in submarines to look above the water is:

Answer: Periscope

  • Change of sides of object and its image in plane mirror is called ___.

Answer: Lateral inversion

  • Ray of light which bounces off surface of mirror is called incident ray.

Answer: False

  • Ray of light which bounces off surface of mirror is called as:

Answer: reflected ray

  • Image formed in plane mirror is laterally inverted.

Answer: True

  • Periscope is used by barbers to show the back of head.

Answer: False

  • Regular reflection is produced when light falls on walls.

Answer: False

  • Periscope does not work in foggy weather.

Answer: True

  • Angle of incidence is twice the angle of reflection.

Answer: False

  • Periscope has ____ mirrors.

Answer: 2

  • When a plane mirror is rotated through an angle of 5 deg. the reflected ray moves through an angle of?

Answer: 10 deg.

  • Mirror ___ the path of light.

Answer: changes

  • Reflection of light in mirror takes place at:

  Answer: silver surface

  • Red paint on mirror is to:

Answer: protect the silver coating

  • Sometimes in a mirror instead of silver, ___ coating is used.

Answer: aluminium

  • Perpendicular drawn to surface at point of incidence is:

Answer: normal

  • Angle between incident ray and normal is:

Answer: incident angle

  • For normal incidence, the angle of reflection is

Answer: 0

  • If angle of incidence is 45 degrees then the angle of reflection is

Answer: 45 degrees

  • Angle of incidence is always equal to angle of

Answer: reflection

  • Regular reflection is also called as:

Answer: specular reflection

  • Irregular reflection is also called as:

Answer: diffused reflection

  • In a real image rays of light

Answer: really intersect

  • In a virtual image, rays of light after reflection:

Answer: appear to diverge

  • Image formed on a cinema screen is:

Answer: real image

  • For candle kept at distance of 5 cm in front of mirror, distance between candle and its image is:

Answer: 10 cm

  • Interchange of left and right sides in the image formed in a plane mirror is called

Answer: lateral inversion

  • An alphabet which appears as it is after lateral inversion is:

Answer: M

  • Which is not a characteristic of image formed by plane mirror:

Answer: it is real

  • In a kaleidoscope

Answer: 3 plane mirrors are inclined at 60 deg to each other

  • In a periscope:

Answer: 2 parallel mirrors are kept at 45 deg to normal

  • Regular reflection will occur at which of these surfaces?

Answer: plane mirror

  • A _____ is a line drawn perpendicular to the surface of the mirror.

Answer: normal

  • A normal is a line drawn ________ to the surface of mirror.

Answer: perpendicular

  • You cannot see an image in a rough surface because of:

Answer: scattering

  • Reflected light passes through a real image but not a virtual image

Answer: true

  • A real image can be seen a virtual image cannot.

Answer: false

  • A virtual image can be formed on a screen a real image cannot.

Answer: false

  • A virtual and real image both can be formed on a screen.

Answer: false

  • Image formed in a periscope is:

Answer: virtual and upright

  • White light is composed of ____ colours.

Answer: 7


  • White light can break up into range of colors called:

Answer: spectrum

  • Who proved white light consists of seven colors?

Answer: Newton

  • Secondary colors are formed from primary colors.

Answer: True

  • Primary colors are formed from secondary colors.

Answer: False

  • Primary colors are:

Answer: RBG

  • Which is false?

Answer: Y+C+M=W

  • Additive primary colors are:

Answer: RBG

  • Subtractive colors are:

Answer: YCM

  • For subtractive color mixing ____ are used.

Answer: filters

  • If projector is fitted with both red and green filters;

Answer: no light is transmitted

  • Cyan, magenta and yellow mixed together forms ____ color.

Answer: black

  • When additive primary colors are combined;

Answer: white is formed