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Photosynthesis and Plant respiration – Question Bank


  • Input for photosynthesis is:

Answer: carbondioxide and sunlight

  • Photosynthesis takes place in:


  • Water is transported from root to leaves through:

Answer: xylem

  • Stomata opens for gaseous exchange in:

Answer: day time only

  • The organelle that contains chlorophyll is:

Answer: chloroplast

  • The green pigment of plants that traps the energy of sunlight for photosynthesis:

Answer: chlorophyll

  • The process by which carbon dioxide and water are converted into glucose and oxygen by plants:

Answer: photosynthesis

  • A simple sugar found in plant tissues which is a prodct of photosynthesis:

Answer: glucose

  • An element found in water and carbon dioxide, used to create glucose:

Answer: oxygen

  • An element found in water, used to create glucose:

Answer: hydrogen

  • An element found in carbon dioxide used to create glucose:

Answer: carbon

  • A molecule made of carbon and oxygen atoms and is a reactant in photosynthesis:

Answer: carbon dioxide

  • A molecule made of hydrogen and oxygen atoms and is a reactant in photosynthesis:

Answer: water

  • The energy source for photosynthesis is:

Answer: sunlight

  • Organism which produce their food are called:

Answer: autotrophs

  • The part of the plant that absorbs water and minerals from the soil:

Answer: roots

  • Thylakoids are found in:

Answer: chloroplast


  • Holes in plant leaves that allow carbon dioxide to enter and oxygen to leave

Answer: Stomata

  • Flaccid guard cells cause closing of stomata:

Answer: False

  • Stomata opens and closes due to:

Answer: Guard cells

  • Openings in old stems are called:

Answer: Lenticels

  • Stroma is found in:

Answer: Chloroplast

  • Energy currency of cell is:

Answer: ATP

  • Power house of cell is:

Answer: mitochondria

  • Respiration takes place in:

Answer: mitochondria

  • Food chain shows energy flow from consumers to producers:

Answer: False

  • Aerobic respiration evolved after ____ was added to atmosphere:

Answer: oxygen

  • Most organisms use oxygen to make _____ from glucose:

Answer: ATP

  • Respiration in absence of oxygen:

Answer: anaerobic

  • Input for respiration is:

Answer: oxygen and glucose

  • Respiration process without oxygen is called:

Answer: anaerobic respiration

  • Anaerobic respiration yields lactic acid or ethyl alcohol:

Answer: true

  • This organelle combines oxygen with glucose to form ATP or energy for the body

Answer: mitochondria

  • In plants, anaerobic respiration results in formation of:

Answer: ethyl alcohol

  • In animals, anaerobic respiration results in formation of:

Answer: lactic acid

  • Aerobic respiration results in formation of:

Answer: carbon dioxide

  • Photosynthesis occurs during:

Answer: day time only

  • Respiration occurs during:

Answer: day and night

  • Photosynthesis occurs in:

Answer: plants only

  • Respiration occurs in:

Answer: plants and animals

  • During photosynthesis food is :

Answer: synthesised

  • During respiration food is :

Answer: broken down