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Plant Tissues – Question Bank

Questions an plant tissues, meristematic, permanent, dermal and ground tissues.


  • Actively dividing plant tissue which contributes to growth is:

Answer:  meristematic

  • The group of cells that have lost their capability to divide are:

Answer:  permanent tissue

  • Collenchyma, parenchyma and sclerenchyma; are found in:

Answer:  ground tissue

  • When meristematic tissue grow and mature, they become permanent tissues:

Answer:  True

  • Dermal tissue is permanent tissue:

Answer:  True

  • Fundamental tissue are of ___ kinds.

Answer:  3

  • Fundamental tissues are also called as:

Answer:  ground tissue

  • Xylem and phloem are:

Answer:  vascular tissue

  • Function of vascular tissue is :

Answer:  transportation

  • The tissue responsible for protection is:

Answer:  dermal tissue

  • Which of the following is not a function of ground tissue?

Answer:  transportation

  • There are ___ types of meristematic tissue:

Answer: 3

  • Meristematic tissues are divided into subcategories based on:

Answer:  where they are present

  • The tissues which are also called as cambium are:

Answer:  lateral meristem

  • What forms the vascular bundle?

Answer:  xylem and phloem

  • A light brown substance obtained from the outer layer of the bark of tree is:

Answer:  cork

  • Secondary xylem and phloem develop from:

Answer:  fascicular cambium

  • Basic principle for categorising plant cells into permanent and meristematic is:

Answer:  ability to divide cells


  • These tissues are continuously dividing:

Answer:  meristematic tissue

  • These tissues contain thin cell wall:

Answer:  meristematic tissue

  • These tissues are found at the tip of root, stem or leaves:

Answer:  meristematic tissue

  • Meristematic tissue have few minute vacuoles; because:

Answer:  they are constantly dividing

  • If meristematic tissues of a plant are destroyed, the plant:

Answer:  will survive

  • If meristematic tissues of a plant are destroyed:

Answer:  the growth will be stunted

  • The cells of meristematic tissues are small and thin because:

Answer:  later they differentiate into other cells

  • Plants generally grow where ____ tissues are present:

Answer:  meristematic

  • Which among the following is the growth tissue:

Answer:  meristematic tissue

  • The ____ tissues differentiate into other tissues:

Answer:  meristematic

  • Which is incorrect about the meristematic tissues?

Answer:  they have large vacuoles

  • Which is incorrect about the meristematic tissues?

Answer:  they are thick walled

  • What is correct about meristematic tissues?

Answer:  they do not store food

  • Meristematic tissues are classified based on:

Answer:  their position in plant body

  • The meristem that occurs at the apices of root, stem and leaves is known as:

Answer:  apical meristem

  • Apical meristems are responsible for:

Answer:  elongation(increase in height)

  • The meristem responsible for increasing the length of an organ is:

Answer:  intercalary meristem

  • The meristem placed between two permanent; tissues is:

Answer:  intercalary meristem

  • The meristem responsible for increase in thickness is:

Answer:  intercalary meristem

  • Cork cambium and fascicular cambium are examples of:

Answer:  intercalary meristem

  • Meristems have dense cytoplasm with prominent nuclei and thin cell wall but lack:

Answer:  Vacuole

  • Chlorenchyma and aerenchyma both are a type of:

Answer:  Parenchyma

  • Tissues in tendrils of a climber plant and leaf stalk of a plant are examples of:

Answer:  Collenchyma


  • The process by which meristematic tissue takes up specific role is called:

Answer:  differentiation

  • There are ___ types of permanent tissue:

Answer:  3

  • Ground tissue with isodiametric cells is:

Answer:  parenchyma

  • Parenchyma with choloroplast is called:

Answer:  chlorenchyma

  • Plants become buoyant due to:

Answer:  aerenchyma

  • Large air cavities are formed in between cells of these issues:

Answer:  aerenchyma

  • Main function of parenchyma is:

Answer:  storage of food

  • The cells which die when they mature are:

Answer:  sclerenchyma

  • The tissue that resists bending and pulling action of wind is:

Answer:  collenchyma

  • The tissue that provides flexibility is:

Answer:  collenchyma

  • The cell wall of collenchyma are thickened at edges due to:

Answer:  pectin

  • Ground tissue with intercellular spaces:

Answer:  parenchyma

  • Permanent tissue with thin wall cells:

Answer:  parenchyma

  • Tissue forming long flexible but strong strands in leaf stalks is:

Answer:  Collenchyma

  • Flesh of a fruit is mostly made of:

Answer:  Parenchyma

  • Sclerenchyma is a dead tissue:

Answer:  true

  • Husk of coconut is made of:

Answer:  sclerenchyma

  • Parenchyma is a type of:

Answer:  simple tissue


  • Cellular layer covering plant organs is.

Answer:  Epidermis

  • Protective layer of tissue on plant body is:

Answer:  dermal tissue

  • Plant parts that become woody, no longer have dermal tissue.

Answer:  True

  • Epidermis consists of only one layer of cells.

Answer:  True

  • Epidermis forms boundary between plant and external environment.

Answer:  true

  • Which is not a function of epidermis?

Answer:  it stores food

  • Which is the function of epidermis:

Answer:  secreting metabolic compounds

  • Waxy coating on the leaves is called:

Answer:  cuticle

  • Function of cuticle is to:

Answer:  prevent water loss

  • Stomatal pores are surrounded by bean shaped cells called:

Answer:  guard cells

  • Function of stomata is:

Answer:  exchange of gases and transpiration

  • Trichosomes are the hairy outgrowth of epidermal layers:

Answer:  True

  • Which is not a function of trichosome?

Answer:  provide mechanical support

  • What insulates the plants from excess heat or cold?

Answer:  trichocomes

  • Trichosomes are ____ tissues.

Answer:  dermal

  • Pores present on young stem and leaves:

Answer:  stomata

  • Hairy outgrowths of the epidermal layer are called:

Answer:  trichosomes

  • Process of formation of permanent tissue is:

Answer:  differentiation

  • Tissues that form boundary between plants and external environment are:

Answer:  epidermis

  • Function of guard cells is to:

Answer:  control the size of stomata