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Sound Energy – Question Bank

Study about the properties of sound energy and play the game

  • Sound cannot travel in _____.

Answer: vacuum

  • Loudness of sound is measured in _____.

Answer: bels

  • Sound requires a ____ for its propagation.

Answer: medium

  • The unit of frequency is:

Answer: hertz

  • Sound travels faster in ____ than in liquids.

Answer: solids

  • ____ is an example of string instrument.

  Answer: guitar

  • Larger is the amplitude, feeble is sound.

Answer: False

  • Violin is a percussion instrument.

Answer: False

  • Which is a percussion instrument?

Answer: drum

  • In percussion instruments vibrations of ____ produce sound.

Answer: stretched membrane

  • In stringed instruments vibrations of ____ produce sound.

Answer: strings

  • In wind instruments vibrations of ____ produce sound.

Answer: air column

  • Astronauts use ____ waves to talk to each other on moon.

Answer: radio

  • ____ cannot transmit sound.

Answer:  Space

  • When sound wave passes through a medium, its particles____.

Answer: vibrate

  • Sound waves travel in form of:

Answer: compression and rarefaction

  • Areas of high pressure are called:

Answer: compression

  • Sound waves are:

Answer: longitudinal waves

  • Sound travels faster in water than in air.

Answer: True

  • Material medium is not necessary for sound propagation.

Answer: False

  • Ultrasonic sound has a frequency:

Answer: more than audible sound

  • Flash of lightning is seen after thunder is heard.

Answer: False

  • Speed of sound in water is____m/s.

Answer: 1500

  • A fighter aeroplane is seen before it is heard:

Answer: True

  • It is possible to distinguish between sounds produced by different instruments due to their:

Answer: Overtones

  • Velocity of ultrasonic waves is:

Answer: same as audible sound

  • Which is a wind instrument?

Answer: flute

  • A fighter plane is seen before it is heard because:

Answer: light travels faster than sound

  • First person to discover that sound needed medium for propagation:

Answer: Boyle

  • Speed of sound in air is____m/s.

Answer: 340

  • With increase in temperature the speed of sound _____.

Answer: increases

  • Large vibrations produce large sound.

Answer: True

  • In humans ____ vibrates to produce sound:

Answer: vocal chord

  • Voice box is also called as:

Answer: larynx

  • Who has the longest vocal chords in humans:

Answer: Men

  • Buzzing of bees is due to their:

Answer: flapping wings

  • Sound is produced by a ____ body:

Answer: vibrating

  • Which is a reed instrument:

Answer: mouth organ

  • In reed instruments vibrations of ____ produce sound.

Answer: reeds

  • ______ is produced due to vibration:

Answer: Sound

  • In longitudinal waves particles vibrate _____ to direction of propagation

Answer: parallel

  • Amplitude is measure of ____ of sound.

Answer: intensity

  • Voice of women and children have higher ____.

Answer: pitch

  • Frequency is:

Answer: number of cycles per second

  • Sound cannot reach us from space.

Answer: True

  • Amplitude is:

Answer: maximum displacement of wave

  • Time period is;

Answer: time taken to complete one vibration

  • Velocity of sound _____ with increase in density.

Answer: increases

  • Audible range of frequency is:

Answer: between 20 to 20 KHz

  • Sound above 20 KHz is called:

Answer: Ultrasonic

  • Sound below 20 Hz is called:

Answer: Infrasonic

  • Pigeons, squids, elephants produce ____ sound.

Answer: infrasonic

  • Migratory birds use ____ sound from airflow as navigation aid

Answer: infrasonic

  • Bats use ____ sound for navigation:

Answer: ultrasonic

  • A dog whistle produces ____ sound.

Answer: ultrasonic

  • To measure depth of sea ____ sound is used.

Answer: ultrasonic

  • Stethoscope used by doctors is based on ____ of sound.

Answer: reflection

  • Sensation of sound persists in our brain for:

Answer: 0.1 second

  • We hear echoes only in mountains.

Answer: False

  • To hear an echo, the reflecting surface should be at a minimum distance of ___m.

Answer: 17m