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Physical Quantities and Measurements – Question Bank

Physical quantities and measurements

  • 1 m3 is equal to ____ cm3

Answer: 106 cm3

  • 1 liter = ___ ml

Answer: 1000 ml

  • 1cm3 of liquid is equal to ___ ml.

Answer: 1 ml

  • SI unit of volume is ___

Answer: liter

  • 1cm2= ­­­­____ m 2

Answer: 10-4 m2

  • 1m2 = ____ mm2

Answer: 106 mm2

  • 1m2 =  ____ Hectare

Answer: 10-4Hectare

  • 1km2= ____ Hectare

Answer: 100 Hectares

  • 1 m2 =  ___ Km 2

Answer: 10-6 km2

  • 1cm3 = ___ ml

Answer: 1 ml

  • 1m3= _____ lit

Answer:1000 lit

  • If ‘l’ is length of cube, volume is:

Answer: l3

  • 1 m2 = ­­­­­____ cm2

Answer: 104 cm2

  • 1 m2 =  ___ Km 2

Answer: 10-6 km2

  • SI unit of area is ____.

Answer: m2

  • SI unit of mass is ____

Answer: kg

  • Which is the least dense planet in solar system?

Answer: Saturn

  • Which is the densest plant in solar system?

Answer:  Earth

  • If we have a large enough water pool, Saturn would float on it?

Answer: True

  • SI Unit of density is ____

Answer: kg m-3

  • Density is ___  proportional to mass.

Answer: Directly

  • Density is ___ proportional to volume.

Answer:  inversely

  • The density of a 5kg metal lump of volume 1.25 m3 is ____.

Answer:  4 kg m-3

  • If 90 cm3 of iron weighs 624 g, its density is ____.

Answer: 6.9 kg m-3

  • Mass of a piece of wood is 150g and volume is 200 cm3 then its density is ____.

Answer:  0.75g cm-3

  • If the density of wood is 5g cm-3, what is the mass of 1 cm3?

Answer: 5 g

  • Volume of book of length 20cm, breadth 10cm and height 5 cm is ____.

Answer: 1000 cm3

  • Initial level of water in a measuring cylinder is 20.5ml. If on dropping of stone, water rises to 30ml, volume of stone is ____. Answer: 9.5 ml
  • A ____ is used in laboratory to measure volume of a liquid.

Answer: measuring cylinder

  • Sub-multiple unit of area are ____.

Answer: cm2, mm2 etc

  • Mass per unit volume is____.

Answer:  density

  • Space occupied by an object is ____.

Answer: volume

  • To determine the density of a solid, we need to know its ____ and ____.

Answer: mass and  volume

  • The SI unit of density is Kg m-3.

Answer: True

  • A piece of wood and a piece of copper of same mass have same volume.

Answer: False

  • It is convenient to store 100Kg of steel than 100 Kg of cotton because ____.

Answer:  cotton has more volume.

  • Physical quantity is that quantity which _____.

Answer: can be measured.

  • Length is distance between basically ___ points.

Answer: two

  • Which is heavier, 10kg cotton or 10 kg iron?

Answer:  both of same mass.